
Clouds in Water is a vibrant and inclusive community in the Soto Zen Buddhist tradition, with a mission to awaken the heart of great wisdom and compassion. 

Founded in 1994, we regularly offer meditation, classes, and retreats. We are located in the historic Rondo neighborhood of St. Paul, and everywhere via Zoom. We welcome people of all backgrounds and faiths. 

Spring Practice Period


Spring Practice Period 〰️



Zazen (meditation) is at the heart of our practice. We have offerings throughout the week in person and on zoom. We also offer sesshins (retreats) throughout the year, at Clouds in Water and at Ryumonji Zen Monastery and Hokyoji Zen Practice Community.

All levels of experience are welcome!


There is always a class, workshop, or practice group happening at Clouds! In addition to our Fall and Spring practice periods, we offer classes on anything from karma to the precepts to embodied social justice.


Our sangha - community - is made up of a diverse groups of folks from all over the Twin Cities (and the country, via Zoom). We gather together every Sunday and have many opportunities to connect through our classes, practice groups, and sesshins (retreats).

Grow their compassion

and wisdom

 Our Youth and Family Practice Program offers programming for all ages, from birth through teens, along with support for parents. We emphasize mindfulness, compassion, and practical Buddhist teachings to help navigate life at all ages and stages. 

Zen For Everyone

Clouds in Water seeks to support you where you’re at. We have Friday Night Zen for young(ish) folks, a thriving BIPOC sitting group, 12-Step Mindfulness, and body practices like yoga and qigong, and offerings for all ages.

Some of us sit on cushions, some of us lie on yoga mats. Some folks love traditional chanting in formal services and others prefer connecting casually in affinity groups.

There are some members who have taken formal Buddhist vows, and many who have not. Whether you’re looking for a bit of refuge or a robust spiritual practice, Clouds can support you.

Whatever your circumstances and interests, you can sit with us.

Social Justice and Engaged Buddhism

At Clouds in Water, we take our practice off the cushion and into the world.

We center social justice and encourage our sangha to consider engaged Buddhism as part of their practice.

We support our BIPOC members through the BIPOC sitting group, Race, Love, and Liberation Lab, and fiscally sponsor Deep Listening for Social Change. We have the in-the-trenches work of our Bridge Social Justice and Community Care Action Group and the advocacy grassroots work of our Clouds ISAIAH team. We are actively reckoning with our racial karma in our white-bodied antiracism groups. We support our LGBTQ+ community through our Queer Dharma sitting group and endeavor to create a nourishing spiritual space for folks who have not always been seen or welcomed in other wisdom gathering communities.

In short: seek to truly cultivate the heart of deep wisdom and compassion for a more just world.

Find refuge in the heart of the Twin Cities