The Three Wheels: Giver, Receiver, and Gift
As we enter our Spring Practice Period, we as a sangha are taking a long look at the practice of dana, or, “generosity.” In that spirit, several of our teachers have volunteered to write reflections on being a giver or receiver in our community, and in their own life and practice.
What is dana? How does it relate to our lives? In what ways can it become part of our spiritual practice? These are the kinds of questions and conversations we are openly, joyfully, and curiously engaging in together.
We hope that these posts will support your own practice of dana, whether you give to the community through:
Offer of gifts-in-kind
Ultimately, your presence is the ultimate act of dana, which is why all our programming is accessible regardless of ability to pay. (You can learn more about our Gift Economics model here).
As guiding teacher Sosan Flynn shared in her most recent dharma talk, the discussion of money can be uncomfortable. She encouraged us to feel into our bodies, to notice what giving feels like when it feels good and when it feels…not so good. She referenced Lyn Twist’s The Soul Of Money, a wonderful text for skillfully and heartfully navigating the topic of money from a spiritual perspective.
Thank you for your presence and dana-
With a deep bow,
Heather Fehst
Blog Editor / Development Committee Member