Classes, Workshops, Retreats,
and More
No one is turned away for lack of funds. We REALLY want you to take advantage of our programs!
From Sosan, our Guiding Teacher:
Some people have told us that they don't attend as many classes as they'd like because they can't afford to pay the full asking price (the price we say covers teacher payments and Clouds admin/staffing). If you are such a person, please know this: your attendance at any of our programs is a huge benefit in and of itself. All the teachers give the dharma freely. It doesn't save Clouds any money in admin and staffing if you don't attend. If you decide not to attend, then we lose your valuable input, and your fellow Sangha members lose the opportunity to practice with you. Attitudes like "I don't deserve to attend if I can't pay full price" come from a mindset of separation and scarcity. This is not the Buddha Way.
So, what is the Buddha Way with regard to giving? Giving and receiving have to do with realizing that we are not separate. That we cannot exist on our own.
Thank you for the generous gift of your presence and supporting our practice with your own!
Please note that processing fees for EFT payments are lower than credit card fees. You can elect to cover fees as part of your donation. Many thanks!
Getting Started in Zen
Various Dates
7 pm -9 pmIn this 2-hour workshop, you receive all the tools you need to get started on your personal journey in Zen practice.
Instruction will be given in zazen meditation, basic Buddhist philosophy, developing a home practice, as well as practicing as part of a community.
There will be plenty of time for questions and conversation!
Ringing In The New Year
Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2024,
8 pm through Midnight, January 1, 2025A fun alternative New Year's Eve celebration. Sosan, Koji, and others will lead us as we reflect on the past year, release what's unwanted, and ring in the new. The evening will include an outdoor fire ceremony, delicious soba noodles (prepared by Koji), and meditation to the sound of bells.
Intention and Vow Workshop
Saturday, January 4th,
9 am - 3 pm
with Koji AcquavivaSet the tone for the coming year! Instead of setting New Year’s Resolutions, this workshop is a chance to clarify our heart’s desire, and align our lives with our deepest intention. Join together with other sangha members on the morning of New Year's Eve to review the past year and explore future directions, while grounding ourselves in the present moment.
Shantideva's Instructions on Meditation, Part 2
Tuesdays, January 7th -
February 25th
6: 30pm - 8:00pm
Zoom Only
with Flying Fish Barbara MurphyShantideva guides our reflections on impermanence to help us disentangle ourselves from distractions–developing our awareness of how foolish our attachments are. Seeing through them we are left with a calm abiding practice. We are left with the abundant joy that is our birthright and the genuine wish to serve all beings.
Ryumonji Retreat
Friday, January 17th, 5pm -
Sunday, January 19th, 4 pm
With Sosan Theresa Flynn and Shoken WinecoffRyumonji Monastery is designed from a blueprint of a classic Zen monastery in Japan. Built and operated in an environmentally sustainable way, its gorgeous buildings and temple grounds reflect the spirit of "peaceful dwelling." During this retreat you will learn about many of the Zen ritual objects and engage in some of the formal Zen practices.
White Bodied Anti-racism workshop: Zen Practice & Liberation for All
Saturday, January 25th,
2 pm - 6 pm
With Sosan Theresa Flynn and
The WURK group (White-practioners Unraveling Racial Karma)The class is open to people who are beginning this journey, as well as those long on the path to exploring the white racial framework that shapes our world. We will explore how whiteness impacts our lives and hinders us from being present to the racialized world we live in and look deeply into how white racial conditioning affects our lives and the lives of people of color in our Sangha and beyond.
The Dharma of Money: Practicing with our Feelings about Saving, Spending and Giving
Thursdays, February 6th-20th
With Sosan Theresa FlynnIn this class, we will explore our complicated relationship with money through the lens of Buddhist practice and teachings. We may, at times, value money for security, control, status, enjoyment or benevolence. We will endeavor to talk candidly with one another as we explore our fears about not having enough and our desires to give freely.
February Loving-kindness Sesshin
Friday, February 7th, 5 pm -
Saturday, February 8th, 9 pm
With Sosan Theresa FlynnGuided meditations on Loving-kindness will be offered periodically throughout this sesshin. We will practice completely loving ourselves and others in a way that is free from attachment. Please join us for this courageous practice in realizing wholeness in the face of suffering.
Nourish Yourself: Healing Sound Bath Experience
Saturday, February 15th,
7:30 - 9:00 pm
Marc Anderson“Sound Bath Meditation is an immersive experience in which the listener is “bathed” in waves of soft tones and gentle rhythms. Combining the sounds of crystal singing bowls, gongs, hand drums and subtle drones, I create a rich and deeply therapeutic experience.”
Spring Practice Period
Opening: Sunday, February 16th, 9 am - 10:30 am
Closing: Saturday, April 26th
7:30 - 9:00 pm
Sosan Theresa Flynn and
Jinzu Minna JainA Practice Period, or ango (安居), is a traditional Japanese term for a three-month period of intensified training for students of Zen Buddhism. This spring, our theme is “Living Zen, Living Liberation.” What is Zen Buddhism, actually? How is it the same and different from mindfulness or other forms of Buddhism we might be familiar with? Most importantly, can Zen really be practical and useful in our daily lives, communities, and liberation movements? Can it offer us a well of ease, wonder and awe to dip from so we don’t burn the heck out? (Yes!)
Writing From the Bones - Writing Workshop
Saturday, February 22nd, 1 - 4 pm
With Heather Renkyo FehstIn this three-hour exploration, we'll be using prompts and reflections to play with words. From three-minute bursts to longer stream-of-consciousness fragments, writers will have a chance to write from their own somatic experience , from what's present and wants to be on the page, right here, right now.
Living Zen, Living Liberation
Tuesdays, March 4th -
April 15th
6:30 - 8:00 pm
Sosan Theresa Flynn and
Jinzu Minna JainZen is also a word that’s been tossed around often in US and Western pop culture since the 1950's. Poetic, zeitgeisty shorthand for unflappable calm and detachment. But, what is Zen Buddhism, actually? How is it the same and different from mindfulness or other forms of Buddhism we might be familiar with? Most importantly, can Zen really be practical and useful in our daily lives, communities, and liberation movements? Can it offer us a well of ease, wonder and awe to dip from so we don’t burn the heck out?
Recognizing our Wholeness: A Day of Easeful Zen Meditation
Saturday, March 1st,
9 am - 5pm
with Koji AcquavivaThe heart of meditation in the zen tradition is the recognition of our truest nature, the ever-present abiding awareness that underlies every possible experience. Recognition of our true nature, even briefly, is like discovering that there’s a river of ease and satisfaction moving through us in each moment.