The only way to enjoy life
is to be completely and totally present,
to be aware of everything to the fullest.
— Shunryu Suzuki

Meditation Schedule

Most meetings are hybrid - in-person and Zoom (Zoom Guide). Use the Zoom links below.                                                                                                    

For phone access: +1 312 626 6799 US, or find your local number:

Clouds in Water: 445 Farrington St. St. Paul, MN

Sunday Community Gathering

8:30 - 8:50 Orientation & Intro To Meditation (in-person only)

9:00     Meditation period

9:30 Welcome, announcements, opening chant

9:35    Dharma talk -  Headsets available for the hearing impaired. Ask a greeter for details.

10:30   Tea and conversation in our community room

Sunday Zoom link. Meeting ID: 985 3884 6494 Passcode: 652433

Link to chants: Dharma talk opening & closing chants

Black, Indigenous & People of Color (BIPOC) Sitting Groups

Second and Fourth Sundays, 11:30 am - 1 pm CT. AND weekly on Wednesday, 7 - 8:30 pm CT.

Contact to receive a Zoom link.

Early Morning Meditation & Chanting Service, 6:30 - 8 am CT, In-person & online

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Join any time. In-person and on Zoom.

Sitting 6:30 - 7:00. Walking, 7:00 - 7:10. Sitting 7:10 - 7:40. Chanting 7:40 - 8:00.

Morning Zoom Link. Meeting ID: 927 7165 7228 Passcode: 135485

Link to Chant Book, see pages 2-3  for Tues, Wed & Thurs; and pages 2-4 and 7-10 for Fri. 

Noon Meditation, 12 - 12:30 pm CT, In-person & online

Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday. Zoom and in-person.

Noon Zoom Link.   Meeting ID: 913 7903 4545  Passcode: 221595

Link to Chant Book, see page 19. Click here for Dedication

Wednesday Evening Zazen & Liturgy, 5:30 - 6:15 pm CT, In-person & online

30 minutes sitting meditation, followed by chanting dedicated to those who are ill and those who have died. Link to Chant Book, see pages 15 - 16.  4th Wednesday is Precepts Recitation, page 25 . Zoom and in-person.

Wednesday Evening Zoom Link.  Meeting ID: 844 7609 1188  Passcode: 193676

Lovingkindness Sitting Group, 2nd Thursdays, 7 - 8 pm CT, In-person only

Lovingkindness Sitting Group happens the second Thursday of each month. We start with a 25-minute guided lovingkindness (mētta) meditation offered for the well-being and happiness of ourselves and all beings, then spend the rest of the hour hanging out in conversation over tea and snacks, building connection and community in a relaxed way. If you've experienced this kind of practice, you know how healing, rejuvenating, and heart-opening it can be. If not, come see if it's for you! This is a drop-in (non-registered) offering with a suggested donation of $10. 

Friday Night Zen, 1st Fridays, 6:30 - 8 pm CT, In-person only 

For young(ish) folks, 18 - 45ish. Thirty minutes sitting meditation (partly guided), followed by a short teaching on a topic, discussion, and social time. Visit this Meetup Page for more information. This is a drop-in (non-registered) offering with a suggested donation of $10. 

Queer Dharma Group, 3rd Fridays, 6:30 - 8 pm CT, In-person only 

For LGBTQIA2S+ & anyone who may benefit. 30-minute meditation (partly guided) and a loosely guided discussion over tea and snacks. More info here. This is a drop-in (non-registered) offering with a suggested donation of $10.