Becoming a Member of Clouds in Water



sangha 〰️

We take refuge in the Sangha.

Becoming a member of Clouds in Water does not mean you have to be a Sōtō Zen Buddhist. It means that you see Clouds as your spiritual community - or one of your spiritual communities - and that you wish to support the work of the temple so that we can continue in our mission to awaken the heart of great wisdom and compassion in the Twin Cities and beyond.

Our community has asked WHY it’s important to have official membership. There are a variety of reasons, including building a sense of collective ownership of the temple, but it is helpful for us to know how many members we actually have so that we can better serve our community. Knowing these numbers can help us apply for grants, for example.

You do not have to make a financial contribution to be a member. You can become a member by offering your presence, volunteering, or financial giving (dana). All members receive the same benefits.

“In our busy, commercial world, it can be a profound practice to sincerely consider where and how we direct our financial energy and the impact of our financial decisions on the world. Our actions manifest our intentions.”

-Ancient Dragon Zen Gate

Clouds in Water Zen Center is sustained by you!

Clouds in Water is a community supported temple,

relying solely on the donations and class fees that our community offers.

We turn away no one for lack of funds. 

Meet Some of Our Members!

“Hello, Buddha!” This is what one of our sangha’s teachers often says to people in the zendo. It’s her way of acknowledging we are all buddhas. So: “Hello, Buddha!”

On our blog, we do a Member Spotlight that gives our sangha a chance to get to know a little bit more about one of our members. Click below to read the interviews - and stay tuned for more!

Give your presence. If you are unable to make a financial or volunteer gift at this time, you will still receive all membership benefits. Please click below to register for membership offering the gift of your presence. You will receive a confirmation via email.

Choose Your Membership Contribution

Offer Dana. Dana means “generosity” and it is the financial gifts our members offer to keep our temple running. Any amount can be offered for membership each year. You can give annually, quarterly, or monthly. Please click below to register for membership. If you are already giving on a recurring basis, you are considered a member and don’t need to do anything!

If you prefer to give via check or some other means, please see our FAQ section below. Your membership will be recorded!

If you have already given a financial gift in 2024, you will be considered a member unless you gave as a Friend.

Benefactor Membership: Our benefactors help ensure that Clouds is financially healthy and their donations enable us to strategically plan for our future. Benefactors offer $2,500 or more as an annual gift in addition to their monthly giving. This can be done in monthly, quarterly, or annual installments. If you have questions, please email our Executive director, Renkyo Heather at

Volunteer. Many members who give financially also volunteer, but there are seasons where you are able to offer your time, but not financial gifts. We love our volunteers and the temple wouldn’t run without them. Click below to register as a member through volunteer giving. A member of our staff will contact you to get you plugged in!

Membership Benefits

All members receive the same benefits, regardless of their contribution style!

As a member of Clouds in Water Zen Center, you receive:

  • Two one-to-one practice meetings with a teacher each year, one during the Spring Practice Period and one during the Fall Practice Period. Teacher availability varies, but we will try to match your preference.

  • Use of the zendo for personal meditation. Members can arrange their practice time with our staff. Email

  • Free Practice Period Enrollment (this does not include the special class, but it does include your practice period support and events).

  • Voting on Board Members and other initiatives in our Annual Meeting, held every September.

  • Two opportunities to participate in decision-making at Clouds in Water at our summer and fall member meetings (this includes the annual meeting).

  • Free childcare when offered for events and classes.

  • For all our classes, services, and meditation sessions, whether or not you are are a member, NO ONE is turned away for lack of funds. There are many ways Clouds will support your practice.

Clouds in Water has been so impactful to my sense of well being and community. The kindness and understanding of all the folks there lets me feel at home no matter how I’m doing. I also love the ability to study and practice with so many queer, trans, neurodivergent, and BIPOC folks. I’m so glad to have found this place!
— Barley Davis (they/them or ze/hir)

We do not ask for a specific amount from donors; we ask that you consider your individual or household budget. We ask that you consider support at the level of 2% - 5% of your gross income annually, adjusting up or down depending on various factors. Please refer to the following chart.

Consider paying less on the scale if you:

  •  Are supporting children or have other dependents

  •  Have significant debt

  •  Have significant medical expenses not covered by insurance

  •  Receive public assistance

  •  Have immigration-related expenses

  •  Are an elder with limited financial support

  •  Are an unpaid community organizer

  •  Have been denied work due to incarceration history


Consider paying more on the scale if you:

  •  Own the home you live in

  •  Have investments, retirement funds, or inherited money

  •  Travel recreationally

  •  Have access to family money and resources in times of need

  •  Work part-time by choice

  •  Have a relatively high degree of earning power due to level of education, gender, racial privilege, class background, etc.**

It has been my dream for quite some time to give 10% of my income to charity. I never thought I could do it, even though I knew people who made less money than I did who managed it. This year, my husband and I sat down with our finances and figured out a way. It feels really good to be supporting organizations and activities that we care deeply about.

Since Clouds in Water is our favorite charity, Clouds will receive half of our charitable dollars, or 5% of our income. We’ve decided that we would also like to encourage others to be generous, so we’re issuing the “Sosan and Shokai Five-and-Ten-Percent Challenge” to anyone who would like to join us. Give 5% to Clouds in Water and 10% to charity overall. Just let Renkyo know if you plan to meet our challenge, and thanks for considering this!
— Sosan Flynn, Guiding Teacher


“We know in our hearts that there is a different way to be, a different way to live. Our generosity with one another is indeed resistance to the greed and fear that oppresses us. We provide for one another out of love for each other and love for ourselves. When we give, we acknowledge that all beings want to be happy.”
— Jacoby Ballard
Clouds in Water has been an invaluable place of refuge for me. Something I greatly appreciate about Clouds in Water is their distinctly progressive approach to the practice of Zen Buddhism. Clouds prioritizes diversity, equity, and inclusion, making meditation and Buddhist practice accessible to all! They focus on community care, racial justice, and social action and have helped me water the seeds of peace and joy in myself. I am so grateful to be in a community with a wide range of people who share a curiosity about awakening the heart of compassion in their lives and the lives of those around them!
— Joshua Maynard (he/him)

Get in touch.

If you have any questions, feel free to use the contact form to reach out.

Being recently ordained as a novice priest affirmed what I already knew in my heart: that Clouds in Water is my spiritual home and it is where teachers like Sōsan and many dharma friends have supported my spiritual growth. People here are honest, humble and committed to social justice, which is one very important form of truth.
— Rev. Keika Karin San Juan (she / they)